Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

I am MOST thankful for this ....

I always knew I wanted to be a mom.
I just didn't realize until he was born, how badly I want to be Connor's mom.

He's funny and energetic... yet gentle and calm. He's stubborn and spunky...yet, kind and sweet.
He's adventurous and inquisitive... and eager to learn.
He's happy, healthy and loved.

How lucky am I?! I was given this little man to love and hug, teach and guide.

For this, I am MOST thankful for.


What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Day 3: I'm thankful for the house that we've made our home.
For this little family, it's just perfect.
We're so blessed to have a warm place (or in our case - a cool place) to lay our heads at night.

I think most of us probably take for granted the fact that we have a home to end the day in. It seems like people are always wanting something bigger, newer, on and on.... but stop for a minute and think about the many families who are struggling to keep their home, find a home, find a place to sleep or to protect the home they've made.

I'm so lucky that my baby boy is tucked up warm in his bed, safe and sleeping peacefully.

and i might add ... i have muffins baking in the oven, which fill our home with delicious smells!

What are you thankful for today?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Day 2: Thankful for family

I'm thankful for those that surround me with encouragement
and love me unconditionally and constantly.


I'm thankful to be the wife to this man ...

whom this boy adores too...

and to be surrounded by our family .

I'm thankful for a childhood filled with memories that some kids only dream of...

growing up and laughing with these sisters ...

and these sisters (and Mike) ...

I'm thankful to be a daughter to this mom ...


What are you thankful for today?

Monday, November 21, 2011


Day 1: This is a week of thankfulness.
This week is a reminder to be thankful all year long.


I'm so overwhelmingly grateful for many things i have and the people in my life. We've had a rough few years and even though i've felt like life has dealt some tough cards, i still end each day grateful for those i have around me.

Today i'm thankful for the memories of this man...

I'm thankful I got to do this ...

During the rehearsal, i looked up half way down the aisle and he had a tear come down his cheek and gave me a side smile. On our wedding day he just beamed the whole way down.

Even though he's in heaven, nobody can take the memories we have of him.


What are you thankful for today?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

One Year

Connor had his one year appointment after his birthday and this little man is growing!

Weight: 23 lbs 9.5 oz (82 percentile)
Height: 29.75 inches (44 percentile)

Size four diaper (just this week we moved up to size 5)
12 - 18 mth with some 24 mth clothing

We have had such a fun month with lots of friends birthday parties, Halloween activities and playdates with friends.Connor was a lion for Halloween (we were his zookeepers at "Lankford Zoo") and had a great time trick-or-treating on the street. He mostly seemed to enjoy watching all the other kids out in the neighborhood - he loves to people watch little ones!

These are some things i want to remember about him at this age:

Connor's favorite new toys are his ride on scooters, trucks and cars (he loves the wheels) and his wagon. A few times recently, he's gone really quiet and when i go look for him, he's been in his room and pulled out a book.

He still gets very excited when we drop him off at school and really loves his teachers and plays well with friends in his class.

Food: he's eating all table food now and really just eats whatever we're eating. His favorite snacks are goldfish, peaches and mandarins, crackers, cheese ... basically anything he can pick up and feed himself!

He's still in love with his bottle and has a bottle in the morning, at nap time and in the evening. We're not ready yet to give those bottles up - they're like his paci / lovie / blankie and if it gives him comfort then we'll hold off on that for a while.

He's walking while holding on and getting stronger and stronger on his feet every day. His crawling speed has really picked up and he can be in another roo
m in a flash!

Connor still sleeps really well at night (thank you!) but has been off on his napping. He's never really mastered the nap (except on weekends if we nap with him) so this isnt really a big deal for us, but he's wavering between one and two naps a day and about an hour each at best. I think i'll take the sleeping through the night over napping, so i'm not complaining at all!

He loves our dogs and still says 'dog' when he sees them or is looking for them. (sounds like duh)

His words include "out" and "out dogs" (sounds like ow duhs) accompanied by a pointed finger
"dada" (said often to his daddy) and "mama" (said in times of desperation)
He says "nana" to his nana and "no" quite clearly
"duck" during bathtime
the newest one which we've heard a few times now is "hi" when he waves (especially to cars in the parking lot or street)
He blows kisses and put is hands in his face for peek-a-boo

One of my FAVORITE things is when I'm holding him and he suddenly puts his head on my shoulder and arms around my neck in a big hug. He will also put his hands on your face and stare right into your eyes. Talk about melt my heart!!

As much as I know how much he loves me - this little boy is very into his dada right now. When we're at home - it's all about daddy. He doesnt leave his dada and wants to be where he is, preferably in his arms or on his shoulders. Daddy is the favorite right now, which is just fine with me - it makes me so happy to see.

Connor also loves being with his nana and aunties and grammy. They love and adore him and he has them all wrapped up tight - he's so treasured and brings them so much laughter and joy.

Now... i know this has been said almost monthly, but this REALLY is my favorite age. He's just so adorable and funny and mischievous and clever and adventurous a
nd sweet and cuddly ... all in one!

We love you little boy. You continue to bring more happiness to us than you know. I literally feel my heart swell every morning i go into your room. I love that I get to be your mom. I couldn't imagine life without you. I love how you look at the world - so inquisitive to know more yet simple in your pleasures. You're easily happy and you love very big.
We love you and will make sure we do everything we can to make sure you know how loved and special you are.
We can't wait to see where you take us in the adventure of year 2!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

One Year Old Birthday Boy

My baby boy turned one!
What a fast year - filled with so much joy and love.
C woke up on his birthday morning and had breakfast with momma and dadda. Then he went to school for a birthday snack. After school he got birthday kisses from Nana and Aunt Poobear
(who he calls Goo now). His friend Hunter and Aunt Brandi stopped by to give a birthday hug and then he got to play with Grammy.
On Saturday we celebrated with a 'red wagon' themed birthday party:

There was a bouncy house:

and ball pit:

Food for a wagon ride:
Chili, Wagon Wheels (rolled turkey tortillas), Wagon Handles (fruit skewers *which this momma forgot to take out the fridge*) "Party" animal crackers, goldfish
Caramel Apple cupcakes and red wagon cookies

The kiddos got treat boxes to take home filled with bath goodies - a hand puppet bath mit, a bath crayon and squirty toy for splash time!

This is one loved little boy!

Some of my favorite pics from the day:

Some of the other great pictures (thank you Karla - a wonderful photographer!) might be used for Christmas cards, so i'll post them later!

Thank you to our wonderful family and friends who came to celebrate C's first birthday! You've surrounded us with love all year and we're so blessed.

Here we go year 2! watch out world ...