My big boy turned eight months old on July 11!
We were in Colorado at the time and had a great family vacation there with his great-grandparents. What a luck kid to have GREAT grandparents AND GREAT-grandparents!
Weight: 19 lbs. 15 oz.
Height to come at 9 month appt.
Foods: Everything except peas. (we'll try again soon!)
Pears, apples, nectarines (favorite to suck on), watermelon, blueberries, strawberries, squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, carrots, oatmeal, avocado, turkey and chicken! We recently added in tomatos and he seems to like that. Whew, i'm probably even leaving something out.
LOVES yogurt and LOVES his bottle.
He's interested in everything. He examines things (grass below) with such concentration.
HAS HIS FIRST TOOTH! His first tooth FINALLY cut through his gums at eight months, 1 week. Thankfully, we were home from Colorado already because he got a cold right after the tooth came in. It made for four sleepless nights and one un-happy boy.
Still not crawling on his knees - he does a 'belly crawl' on his tummy and uses is arms. When he wants to change direction, he pivots. It's so funny. I was so excited for him to crawl, but after this last week of his first tooth coming in (which i was so anxiously awaiting the arrival of) i've decided to let things happen when they need to. I'm happy that for the time being he will at least stay put in the same room you put him down in!
Generally sleeps very well - 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. (minus this past week with his tooth)
Still loves being surrounded by his puppy dogs, playing with his toys and loves reading books. (ones that make animal noises are a bonus!)
Has a little "twinkle" of mischief in his eye - not sure WHERE that comes from!? :)
Continues to make everyone around him smile!
What a sweetheart!