Saturday, June 11, 2011

Six and Seven Months

And the worst blogger award goes to ... drum roll ... me!! Oh well, i've absorbed enough mommy guilt over it, so now have just decided to move on to this month. CONNOR IS SEVEN MONTHS OLD TODAY!
I know i say this each month, but really - time is flying by!
Here were his six month stats:
Height: 26 inches and 35th percentile
Weight: 17.2 lbs and 44th percentile
He's DEFINITELY had a growth spurt in the last month. I think he's probably around 19 lbs. now.
Clothes: 9 months and 12 months
Diapers: Finishing off our box of 3's - next up ... size 4!
Foods: sweet potatoes, squash, apples, peaches, pears, watermelon, mango, prunes, carrots, blueberries, avocado (pretty much anything that's not green!) cereal and oatmeal
Yuckies: We had a nasty run-in with an ear infection. Connor was NOT a happy camper with a 103 degree fever. Glad we're over that!
Sleep: Still mostly sleeps 7 p.m. - 7 a.m.
Naps: Still not the best napper. He doesnt want to miss out on anything! He takes mostly 2 naps a day. Sometimes only 1 at school.
Play: favorite toys are still his Jumperoo and Johnny Jumper, light-up stacker at Nanna's house, anything he can chew on. Swimming and bath time are still favorites!
His little personality is coming out in full force. You know if Connor wants or doesnt want something! His vocab consists of "Ahh". He uses different tones and expressions for what he's saying. Here's the translations:
"Ahhhhhhhh" in a long moan-like sound: I'm tired, trying to fall asleep
"Ah! Ah! Ah!": when he wants something or is trying to get your attention or talking to his puppies
"Ah a ah ah": jibber jabber chatting
"AHHHH!!": very loud and cross = 'no, i dont want that or like that'
So, speaking of the little monkey .... I'm off to swim with this little wiggle worm ....
Happy Weekend! :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're back! I love the updates! (But no need to feel guilty!)
