We've been busy bees around here! The past month has flown by as I went back to working in the office for part of the day and Connor now goes to "school" 5 days a week. I am enjoying the balance between work and mommy-hood, even though some days are harder than others. The key is organization with a capital O! Every night I have everything ready to go for the next day - bags packed, clothes out, bottles ready. It makes the mornings run a lot smoother!
Connor is loving school (he told me) and playing with friends, going on walks and doing all his favorite things...
Like Swinging! Doesnt matter - indoors or outdoors - he loves it!

He loves his mobile and we've got some teeth coming up and down, so right now we're trying all different things to chew on! His hands (or yours) are still his preference. :) If he can see it and grab it ... it's going in his mouth.

Today, we're spending the day at home. Cuddling, folding laundry (he wanted to help) and playing! I can't seem to get a picture in focus lately - this little man gets really excited when he sees my cell phone and starts kicking and flailing his arms!

His little giraffe shirt says it all - happy. This boy is all smiles, all giggles, all happiness. I love how happy he is. I love how ticklish he is. I just love everything about him :)
(on a side note- we did have a little temper tantrum a couple of nights ago. I didn't make his bottle fast enough and he was hungry and tired. He screamed like i haven't heard him scream since the day he was born! It lasted a minute until he had his bottle, but it was pretty funny since it's so out of character for him.)
oh how cute! :-) I love his "happy" shirt! ;-)
ReplyDeletei love my baby boy!!! love aunt poo poo