My goodness. This happened fast. Where was I?! :) Oh yeah... i was taking in every minute of life with this amazing little person. Such a light in our lives.
Here are his current stats:
Weight: 14.14 lbs (51st percentile)
Height: 24.5 in (35 percentile)
Not sure what's going on here with the height since none of the men in either of our families are exactly small. Connor comes from a long line of tall males. I know this isn't an indicator as to their full grown size, but I was still surprised.
A few highlights from this past month:
(there's a lot, but it's been a busy month with lots of new things!)
- Connor is really ticklish. On his tummy, under his neck and under his arms :)
- He giggles if you touch one of his tickle spots. His laugh is just the best sound!
- He will hold his head up and sometimes push up on his arms, but he still doesn't really care for tummy time that much. He'd prefer to stand and balance or bounce.
- He will roll onto his side, but hasnt completely flipped yet. We're working on this, but I figure he will do it when he's ready. He's so close. This boy is a little stubborn.
- Bearing weight while standing supported. This is his preference.
- He doesn't really care for his Bumbo seat very much. He tries to push up, I think because he wants to stand upright.
- He still loves his swing and naps in it everyday.
- We tackled rice cereal and now are adding in a little veggie and fruit to our wonderful adventure in the world of food! Our pediatrician says, and we agree, that all signs point to him being ready and eager to eat. So far so good! Sweet Potato was a success this evening!
- He eats 5 times a day and now has some food twice a day.
- We've got our bedtime routine down pat. Have for a while really. I'm a stickler for our routine, but it works - every night! I very rarely have trouble with him falling asleep at night. (now daytime napping is another story!!) We now have some food added in, so after that we have bath time, (which he still loves. We kick and splash a lot!) get into PJ's then a bottle and bed. Connor has trouble staying awake past 6:30 or 7 at the latest. He goes to bed really early, but wakes up pretty early each morning.
- Day time napping is not so great. At school we're lucky if he naps more than an hour total on most days. At home in the afternoon and on the weekends he does a little better with a morning, midday and afternoon nap.
- He H-A-T-E-S Tylenol drops. I tried to give him some before his shots and he made the most disgusted face, did a rather exaggerated gag and proceeded to force throw up. That's how he felt about it. (he's a little dramatic) He had his shots and cried at first, but was fine the rest of the day. Hopefully we won't need Tylenol anytime soon!
- He seems very happy at school and is loved on by such sweet ladies.
This past month Connor enjoyed his first Valentines Day and Rodeo!
Here are a few pics of our growing boy:
Rice Cereal for dinner! He gets so excited when daddy feeds him! At first he would just play with it in his mouth, but now actually eats it.