Monday, January 2, 2012


I want to remember all the words Connor is saying right now
(almost 14 months)

Da doo or ta too = thank you
Hi = hi and bye (with a wave of course)
Eeez = cheese
Doug = Dog
Out = out (usually accompanied by a hand motion and pointer finger)
mama = mama (used very sparingly and usually only in times of desperation!)
Dada = dada (first thing he says in the morning when he wakes up, says dada constantly!)
Nana = nana
na / nuh = no
shhhh = shhh (and puts his finger to his mouth / cheek) doesnt count as a word, but still...
ma = mas / more
uh oh = when something drops
eye = sometimes will point to his face if you ask where his eyes (or ojos) are.

JUST started saying 'ayos' for adios, but not very consistently.

my goodness, i could just squeeze this little man.
(ok ok, i squeeze him all the time)

Christmas 2011

We had such a fun Christmas with Connor.

He started walking on Christmas Eve! He'd been 'cruising', but this was the first time for him to walk straight across the room. He woke up the next morning and panicked a little when he first stood up - almost as if he couldn't decided if he could still crawl or not. A little over a week later and he's walking more than crawling now. He's off! (and we're exhausted!)

We woke up Christmas morning and Santa had visited! He brought some fun bath toys and a 'front door' toy with a door bell, mail box and light with a light switch!

It didnt take him long to figure out how to open presents. He liked the paper, but he actually looked at what was inside! He got really excited of some of them and would pull them out and start playing with them. It was such fun to watch.

Nana reading 'Twas the night before Christmas... we had to try not to laugh - Connor kept trying to close the book, he wasnt that into the story! maybe next year :)

We hope you had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!