Connor is eleven months old today!
Weight: about 21 lbs (as of a couple of weeks ago)
This little man is all over the place. He crawls, climbs, dances and the list goes on....
Diaper changing has become somewhat challenging - he wants nothing to do with it and would much prefer being naked.
He has four teeth - two top and two bottom.
His favorite toy right now is his piano. He also got a new bouncy ball at the beach last weekend and thinks that's pretty cool.
You can hear Mickey Mouse Clubhouse playing in the background most mornings in our house. Hot Dog Dance!!
One of my favorite things he does is give me hugs and kisses. When i get home from work, he gets so excited and crawls really fast to me and puts his arms around me and his head on my shoulder. Melts my heart.
He waves bye-bye and puts his hands up when i tell him 'don't touch' or 'that's yucky'.
He has a little temper on him, he's very strong willed. We've had a couple of mini-tantrums :)
I say this every month ... but, i think this is one of my favorite ages.
This little boy makes my heart overflow with love.