I'm not sure why this never posted... i thought it did. Oh well - way overdue, but here is Connor's 5 month update.

Me and my daddy ... rockin' our shades.

looking more like my mama everyday.

I havent weighed him in a couple of weeks, so i'm not sure of his exact weight, but I'm guessing it's around 17 lbs.
When I look through the pictures from the past 6 weeks, I can't believe how much has happened and changed with Connor. We've really had many 'firsts' recently!YUCKIES:
- Had his first tummy virus (which mommy then got right after him! not a fun week) and first bee sting!- Had a bad run in with Excema, which we're still working on. Really he couldnt have avoided it since both his mommy and daddy still have it. We're all about the Aquaphor in our house.
- Has been having Asthma-like symptoms. His ped. says it seems to be extreme allergies, so we started out with some breathing treatments and now are going to try some preventative allergy relief rememdies.
- We've definately got some teething goin' on!
Now, the "happies" - TOYS and ACTIVITIES:
- Connor can roll both ways now, but i haven't seen the tummy to the back roll again.
- He likes being on his tummy now and will push all the way up and scoot backwards. Watch out world! Connor is getting on the move!
- We've moved up to our 'big boy' stroller. The umbrella stroller, which is nice and light for mommy!
- First trip to the beach! Played in the sand and giggled as Aunt Kiki made her 'dolphin' noises. (she's a funny one, that red-head)
- Visited Houston Arboretum at Texas Childre's Hospital's Family Fun day - Nana and Aunt Poo took me and played.
- First and Second roadtrip! He did great through them all and only got fussy around the last hour of the ride home.
- He sits very well with support and tries to pull himself up to sit when lying down.
- Still LOVES to stand and bounce!
- Tried the Johnny Jumper... not so sure about that yet. He got wacked in the side by Coby's tail so it put a downer on that little venture, but we'll try it again soon.
- LOVES his bouncy station and 'piano'
- About to outgrow his 'green chair' because he's starting to pull himself up on the side of it and try to roll off (sad day) that thing has been used so much!
- Doesnt really use his swing anymore. He still likes the one at his Nana's house.
- Still loves bathtime everynight and we'll probably have to move into the big tub soon (sniff sniff). He can now put his feet up on the end of the counter tub we use.
- His other favorite toy right now is his set of keys. Helps keep him occupied during diaper changes, otherwise he's kicking and chewing his feet!
- On that note - his feet seem to be the new favorite teething toy.
- LOVES his food. He now has 5 bottles a day, rice cereal in the morning, a fruit at lunch and some cereal mixed with a veggie for dinner. He's an eating machine!- We just tried the 'mum mum' things. Jury is still out on those...
- Sleeps SO well (finally!) he goes to sleep at 7 p.m. and sleeps through the night until 7 a.m. (yay!) This started right at 4 months. All of a sudden he slept through his 3 a.m. bottle.
My mission as a mommy is to make sure Connor knows every day when he wakes up and every night he closes his eyes, how much he is loved. He is such a joy and blessing. He just makes me happy. When everything else in my world is stressful and challenging, Connor just warms my heart and melts everything else away.