It's the most wonderful time of the year...

Connor had a busy but fun first Christmas.
Filled with family, friends, food and festivities (and my many Christmas outfits)
which included:

Thursday night Christmas with the Lankfords / Hunt family. Connors great grandparents were in town from Colorado and his aunt and uncle (and cousin in the tummy) were in town from Dallas. Connor got lots of presents and had fun looking at the lights on the tree!
He is such a lucky boy to have great-grandparents! His Great Gran'ma just loved holding and feeding him and he chatted away to her! He also loved his Great Papa's deep voice.
On to our next gathering...

The next morning, Christmas Eve day, my family were invited to breakfast with the Kolbs and their extended family (my sister's boyfriends family) and had so much fun with a "white elephant" gift exchange. Their family give really nice white elephant gifts instead of gifts for each person. The kids all draw names for eachother and give one cousin a nice gift. They had so much fun giving and receiving their gifts! We got a massage envy gift card and some books with $20!
Connor wore these adorable sheepskin slippers that his cousins from South Africa brought him for Christmas! He's feet were toasty warm!
After a nap and some quiet time at home, we headed on to meet Santa on Christmas Eve!
The Gross family had a fun Christmas Eve party and Santa came! Connor was asleep and woke up to lots of flashes going off and he was in the arms of a white haired man in red.... poor little thing was so confused.
(There was a really bad rain storm, which is why Ryan and I are both soaked.)

We then headed on to Christmas Eve dinner with my family.
Mimi joined us for dinner and fed Connor his Christmas dinner!
Then Aunty Kiks gave him a bath and put on his Christmas PJ's!
and read "twas the night before Christmas to me"... (from her iphone)
We all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas dinner that mom made for us. We sat around the table and ate, laughed and chatted.
The next morning we opened presents at Nana's house and Connor was very excited that Santa came!

Connor was so lucky to get such special presents from his Nana and Aunts.
He got a very cool piano activity center, new shoes, a giraffe pillow and some other fun goodies!
After a great morning we all went to Ryan's moms house for Christmas lunch / dinner.
(Connor's Great-Gran'ma wanted to sit and hold him in the living room. They cuddled and chatted the whole time!)
The next morning we celebrated Christmas with Ryan's dad. Again, Connor got more presents! His Grandpa Larry gave him a cute outfit with puppy dog feet, a warm cozy blanket and a really soft Giraffe to cuddle with! Connor slept really well because we were sitting in front of the fire!

Despite feeling a huge void with dad not being here, especially during the holidays, we had a good Christmas.
Last but not least... our Christmas card (which didn't go out until close to New Years... oh well)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family to yours!